Samsung compare prices

Samsung consists of more than 80 companies active in various markets, from electronics to life insurance. Some of the most popular subsidiaries are Samsung Electronics, Engineering, Heavy Industries, and many more. The Group employs 340,000 people and is one of the largest companies in the world in terms of sales and market value.
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History of Samsung

It was in 1938 when founder Lee Byung-chull founded Samsung as a trading company specializing in a sector of the consumer market other than electronics. Almost three decades later, the company developed its true identity and conquered the technology industry with its innovative offerings. Mobile phones, televisions and even smart refrigerators. Name a product and the Samsung brand left an indelible impression. Samsung was originally founded as a trading company specializing in the sale of local groceries and noodles. The very first product Electronics brought to market was a 12-inch, black and white TV set from 1970.

Samsung Smartphone

The recent success of the Galaxy S smartphone series is proof of the heavyweight status of the South Korean chaebol and places it in the same elite class as Apple, Google and Microsoft. But behind the innovative marketing campaigns and record sales lies a history of failures, successes and intriguing business practices that have defined the company for 75 years. Not knowing what size screen would work best for the Galaxy S, the call was made to create panels of any size until the designers had settled on the right size: four inches.

The Samsung brand

The headquarters is located in a purpose-built complex called Digital City, where several of the company's companies are located in a region that covers nearly 250 football fields. The company name means "three stars" in the Korean hanja characters. It stands for "big, numerous and powerful" and stars mean "eternity". According to reports, Samsung spends more on its annual advertising budget than Apple, Coca Cola, Dell, HP and Microsoft put together. We're talking about an estimated 12 billion dollars. The corporate design center started with just two designers across the company and now has more than 900 full-time designers at work.

Samsung products

The company will continue its success story into the future. More and more innovations see the light of day and almost everyone knows the brand. Many groundbreaking products and new technical highlights await us. Samsung is one of the big players and will soon surprise us again.